Making A Difference, Together: Advocacy at the Trail Conference

June 21, 2019
New York-New Jersey Trail Conference


Making A Difference, Together: Advocacy at the Trail Conference
Sunset on the Overlook Trail Photo: Jane Daniels


When trails are threatened, the Trail Conference responds.

Many of the biggest environmental wins in the region have been successful thanks in part to the efforts of our volunteers, members, and staff. That is the key to advocacy at the Trail Conference—everyone coming together in the name of protecting trails and parks. There is no one advocacy professional or lawyer fighting the good fight!

To learn more and get involved, reach out to us at

We are always looking for concerned outdoor-lovers who would like to be part of the solution—people who will perform seemingly small jobs that together can have a huge impact on issues affecting trails.

Below is a list of some of the tasks we need our trail heroes to tackle.

  • Periodically (every few weeks) scan town board and planning/zoning board agendas and minutes for items that may affect trails
  • Attend and/or speak at public hearings for trails
  • Read public documents and recommend edits for trails
  • Reach out to and collaborate with an array of partner organizations to help save our two most imperiled long-distance trails
  • Create thoughtful, fact-based messages to share with concerned outdoor enthusiasts and the media

Don't worry if you're not an "advocacy expert." The most important requirement is your passion for and dedication to protecting the outdoor experience. If you're interested in making a difference, we'll show you the ropes and help you get started. Contact for more information.

Remember: Our united voice is the Trail Conference’s most powerful tool!