Hike Reviews

March 02, 2020
Wonderful hike on a sunny March day
The detailed description of this trip with key turns and landmarks in this trip report was very helpful. My wife and I finished this 7.1 mile hike in less than 5 hours including breaks. While the hike was strenuous with steep ascents and descents on rocky terrain in many places, it also provided much needed relief on soft terrain covered with autumn leaves as the trails passed through Mt Laurel bushes.
December 08, 2019
Great early Dec hike !
Probably the best (winter) hike ever ! The park had a nice 3-4" snow cover and the temps were in the low 30's with no wind and mostly sunny. The initial climb is strenuous but it levels out and the remainder of the hike is relatively easy. The snow cover was never an issue as there was no icy spots to navigate due to the low temps since the snowfall. Only saw a total of 5 hikers all day. There are a few nice views while passing the lakes and ponds but no real overlooks. Still, this is a great 7 mile trek. I had a difficult time figuring out the red arrow trail head...I didn't see a cairn and the markings on the tree are easy to miss. In addition there is a solid white blaze on a tree at the start of the red arrow trail that I assume does not belong there.
May 25, 2015
Misplaced marker along power lines
<p>We did this trail yesterday. &nbsp;Just as the trail bears left, we also noted a red dash on white marker on a tree going straight on the right so kept going until we realized we missed the turn. &nbsp;Ignore this marker</p>
May 26, 2014
<p>The terrain was nice and the first viewpoint was pretty good, but be careful doing this hike in late May, as we were swarmed by some kind of (mostly not biting) gnats and flies. &nbsp;Also, even though we had the map and the detailed description, we somehow got turned around halfway down the Breakneck Mountain trail due to the junctions on various rocks and ended up retracing our steps back to the Tuxedo-Mt. Ivy Trail and going back down that way.</p>
November 03, 2013
make a left after the third power line tower
<p>At the beginning of this hike, when you get onto the dirt road paralleling the power line, if you turn left at the "next tower", there is a trail which turns into a Y, and if you turn left at the Y, you will get on an unblazed woods road which goes uphill. &nbsp;Which is confusing. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>The actual trail for this hike makes a left after the <span style="text-decoration: underline;">third</span> tower you see, which also turns into a Y, and if you go left there like Daniel says, you will see the trailhead for the Tuxedo-Mount Ivy trail. &nbsp;The dirt road is not well blazed which adds to the confusion. &nbsp;Fortunately had the map and figured it out. &nbsp;Nonetheless, this was a great hike!</p>
August 15, 2013
Pretty intense
<p>Did this hike today and it is very nice walking through nature as it ought to be.</p> <p>Seen a few other hikers along the route, but generally no one for miles.</p> <p>The initial ascent after the first stream is the killer on this trail.</p> <p>If you make it up past that section, you will have no problems the rest of the way.</p> <p>Some of the markers were pretty faded, but generally everything was in good order!</p>
April 09, 2013
Thanks Daniel!
Michael K7
<p>Thanks Daniel!</p>
April 09, 2013
Public transportation
Daniel Chazin
<p>I will update the "Public Transportation" section of this hike later today or tomorrow.&nbsp; Thanks for bringing this to my attention.</p>
April 09, 2013
Thanks but...
Michael K7
<p>Thanks for this, however, is there any way to change the listing at the top of the hike so that under "Details" where it says "Features", it is listed as a public transportation available?</p> <p>If a new user searches hikes, and uses the "public transportation" criteria, this hike will not show up unless the above change is made.</p> <p>Thanks again!</p>
April 09, 2013
Public Transportation is available for this hike!
<p>Many thanks to Michael K7 for the bus information which has been added to the hike description.</p>
April 04, 2013
Public Transportation is available for this hike!
Michael K7
<p>Please update this hike to be included in the list of hikes available by public transportation. You can take a Shortline bus from Port Authority and get off at the intersection of 202 and 306 in Pomona. It is a decent length walk to the trailhead, but not too bad. I've done it many times.&nbsp;</p> <p>I believe the bus is the same bus that goes to Bear Mountain.&nbsp;</p> <p>Thank you!</p>