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Forum for General and Off-topic Discussions

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carladac's picture

Hello, In regards to my university researches, I need to see whether walkers from every corner of the world are that different. Would you mind to tell me how do you prepare your walking trip? You will find the two questions in this link: The french word "AUTRE" simply means "OTHER" ANSWER. Thank you!
thetentman's picture

The Barefoot Sisters, Isis and jackrabbit aka Lucy and Susan Letcher will be appearing at the Campmor Retail Store in Paramus NJ on Tuesday August 3rd at 7PM. They will be promoting their latest book 'Walking Home' about their flip flop hike of the Appalachian Trail. Their first book, "Southbound' was a huge success and is still selling briskly. Rumor has it that they will be performing their song 'Dig A Hole' which is about the trials and tribulations of taking a dump in all 14 states. Hopefully Campmor will record the stinky duet and put it on YOU TUBE for all to enjoy. If you have not read either book I urge you to pick up a copy and give it a read soon. They are fine writers with a keen eye for detail and a writing style that will keep you interested from the first step until the last. Of course their will be copies there for sale and autographs available. For directions to the Store you may call 201 445 5000. It is located at 810 State Route 17 North in Paramus NJ 07652. Hope to see you there.
kaylen's picture

It would be nice if there were a more detailed map of much used hiking areas such as the AT in Bear Mt., as is done with orienteering maps with a scale of 1:15000 or even 1:10000 which include details such as streams, cliff faces, more detailed contour depictions etc. There are many mappers in the area especially from Orienteering Unlimited in Somers, NY and the Hudson Valley Orienteering club. These could be used for educational purposes as well as engendering a greater appreciation of the terrain and its interesting geologic history.
Jeremy Apgar's picture

Thanks for your comments, kaylen!

We do offer a detailed inset map of the Bear Mtn area in the Harriman Trails map set, but this mainly shows additional trail features, park buildings, etc. and does not include the details you mention like cliff faces.  Our trail maps are focused on the trails and are not necessarily geared toward orienteering uses.  In certain cases, we may try to include details that may be helpful for orienteering purposes, but as you mention, there are often maps available that provide that level of detail, and this is not something that we are trying to accomplish with our trail maps.  We certainly commend those that make orienteering maps as we realize the amount of effort that goes into mapping the fine details of the terrain.

~Jeremy, TC cartographer

banjolady's picture

stacy raised an interesting question on our group discussion board. another participant mentioned the RUNAMUCK race. apparently this is a race allowed by PIPC that not only puts markers up but creates mudpits... so what's wrong with this picture??? anyone from PIPC reading this??apparently june 19 was the NY runamuck race held starting at sebago beach going around lk skenonto on the victory trail....

stacycat's picture

Last Thrursday, 6/17/10, I was hiking along the Victory Trail when I came upon what looked like a newly constructed roof frame for a cabin. A little further north on the trail I came upon another one. Both of them had "Camp Runamuck" written on them. Further north, at the Lily-pad cove at the north end of the lake, there was a stack of large wooden planks, all fresh cut. Does anyone know anything about this? My worst fear concerning this is that they are constructing cabins along there on Lake Skenanto.
stacycat's picture

Yesterday, July 15, I hiked along the Victory Trail, and everything that I was concerned about had been taken out, and that includes the stack of planks, and the two wooden frames that appeared to me to be roof frames for possible cabins. Apparently these were all left over from the Runamuck Race and happily were cleared away. I am so happy that my knee-jerk suspicions were wrong, and that there is no construction going on there. However, there are still large swaths cleared away along the sides of the Victory Trail that have also been covered in large gravel to keep plants from growing there. If that is the extent of it, I'll breathe a sigh of relief, but also wish that the power company would be a little less heavy-handed.
weather220's picture

As part of the new America's Great Outdoors project, the Department of Interior has a great website to solicit public ideas on conservation and outdoor recreation. Voice your support for designating the Long Path as a National Scenic Trail: There are some other worthwhile ideas here worth supporting as well.
Kent's picture

On Saturday, May 22, we lost two green Oasis Kwencher canteens on top of Mt. Taurus. They are no longer made so we would love to have them back if anyone found them.'s picture

planning a hike in the catskills, any problems parking at trailhead accesses for surgarloaf (mink road) thx
srtmaintainer's picture

I have never had a problem in that area. If you are only doing Sugarloaf you may want to park on Dale Lane. The state has a parking area at the Th for Sugarloaf Mountain, also you can do a loop hike over Sugarloaf from that parking lot. Andy
banjolady's picture

today Sunday 3/28 near LP/St johns church:

i LOST 1 pair of black diamond trekking poles about 430pm. my blue subaru was parked in front of the barn where the pot luck was held and i left the poles near the car. i came out and they were gone

i FOUND 1 pair of leki trekking poles about 130pm near the path across from st johns church that heads into the long path.

contact me directly if you have either lost the lekis or found the black diamonds!  thanks susan 



Arden2010's picture

What's up;

I was wondering what happens to the log books found in some of the shelters. When they fill up, do the trail maintainers take them home to review, send them in to NYNJTC (or other trail organization), or just toss them out. I thought it would be interesting if someone would scan them, and put them up on a website. Maybe even re-type them, if they are mostly legible. This might be something I would be interested in doing, if there is any interest.


Estelle's picture

Hi, I agree with you that they are interesting, especially when we find a post from someone we know.   I'll find out from TC Office who replaces these, what happens, and if there is interest in scanning and posting.        Please email me at so I have your email information and name to pass on; or to give you an answer.  


ahl124's picture

Can anyone let me know where the best places to ski are? The only one I can come up with Blue Mountain Lakes Area.'s picture

Try Mohonk, Minnawaska SP, North/South Lake
PVPatrick's picture

In NY: Fahnestock State Park, MInnewaska SP.'s picture

How much usage does this site get??
srtmaintainer's picture

Hey BT, This site seems to have died down since the end of summer. People are still learing about it, I guess. Andy's picture

The following states do not allow hunting on Sunday: PA, NJ, and MA. Can any one add to the list???