Walkable Westchester Publicity Information

Use any of the following for announcing Walkable Westchester in your newsletters or for a program, virtual until further notice.

If you have questions, contact Jane Daniels directly at jdhikes@gmail.com 914-245-1250.

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Announcement #1

Walkable Westchester Third Edition  - New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (2021) $29.95 (member-discounted price of $22.46) ISBN 978-1-944450-19-9

Jane and Walt Daniels

Who would guess that Westchester County is such a great place for hiking? Join the authors, Jane and Walt Daniels, and learn about some of the 200 parks suitable for hiking and walking. The more than 635 miles of hiking trails in these parks offer a range of opportunity, from handicapped accessible to rugged hilly terrain, through woodlands, wetlands, fields, meadows, or along streams, ponds, shore, and lakes.

Walkable Westchester is perfect for anyone interested in exploring the many parks and trails of Westchester County. Join the authors, Jane and Walt Daniels, and learn more about this indispensible handbook which contains:

  • Information on more than 200 parks, preserves, sanctuaries, and protected open spaces
  • Descriptions of over 635 miles of trails 
  • County-wide locator map and detailed maps of all but the smallest parks.
  • History, science and local lore.
  • Color photographs to encourage you to visit
  • What you can do Where is a table of activities allowed and suitable
  • Tables with short descriptions of short or twisty mountain biking trails
  • Driving directions, GPS coordinates, and availability of public transportation.
  • Links to websites for additional information about the parks.

Alternate announcement #2

Walkable Westchester Third Edition - New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (2021) $29.95 (member-discounted price of $22.46) ISBN 978-1-944450-19-9

Jane and Walt Daniels 

  • Information on more than 200 parks, preserves, sanctuaries, and protected open spaces
  • Descriptions of over 635 miles of trails 
  • County-wide locator map and detailed maps of all but the smallest parks.
  • History, science and local lore.
  • Color photographs to encourage you to visit
  • What you can do Where is a table of activities allowed and suitable
  • Tables with short descriptions of short or twisty mountain biking trails
  • Driving directions, GPS coordinates, and availability of public transportation.
  • Links to websites for additional information about the parks.

Alternate announcement #3

Walkable Westchester Third Edition - New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (2021) $29.95 (member-discounted price of $22.46) ISBN 978-1-944450-19-9

Jane and Walt Daniels 

If you are a hiker or just out for a stroll, Westchester is a great place to be. Join Jane and Walt Daniels, Westchester residents who are avid hikers as they take you on a tour of selected parks around the county. While you look at great photographs, listen to stories and tales of  places to visit. Learn who donated land and how parks got their names. The book has color photographs and maps, sidebars, a county-wide locator map and GPS coordinates.

Alternate announcement #4

Walkable Westchester - Third Edition New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (2021) $29.95 (member-discounted price of $22.46) ISBN 978-1-944450-19-9

Jane and Walt Daniels

Who would guess that Westchester was such a great place to hike? In spite of its proximity to Metropolitan New York City, the county has a wealth of hiking and walking opportunities. Join the authors, Jane and Walt Daniels as they take you on a tour of some of the 200 parks, which contain more than 635 miles of trails. While looking at great photographs, listen to stories and tales of some of the  new places to visit. Learn who donated land and how parks got their names. Find out about the wide variety of walking opportunities along paved paths, woods roads, dirt roads, or narrow rocky trails in environments that include urban, suburban, along the shore, in woodlands and fields, or near lakes, streams, vernal pools, and wetlands.

Alternate announcement #5

Walkable Westchester Third Edition - New York-New Jersey Trail Conference (2021) $29.95 (member-discounted price of $22.46) ISBN 978-1-944450-19-9

Jane and Walt Daniels

The best guide to the Westchester outdoors just got even better. Walkable Westchester, an indispensible handbook to hiking, walking and exploring in Westchester County now has a third edition. It includes more than 635 miles of trails in over 200 parks, preserves and sanctuaries.

This edition, at 464 pages, is bulging with new and updated information on parks with intriguing sidebars on history, lore, and nature. There are color photographs, detailed color maps as well as county locator maps and driving directions with GPS coordinates. 

Walkable Westchester is the creation of Jane and Walt Daniels, Westchester residents who are long-time hikers, trail designers and builders, and open-space advocates. The original idea for the book came about when, unable to find a hiking guide exclusive to Westchester, they decided to create one. They thought the task would involve about 70 to 80 parks and about 200 to 250 miles of trail. Eight years later, they came out with the first edition and let readers in on a secret: there a lot of open public space in Westchester and, no matter where you live, some of it is close by. That first edition included more than 180 parks and preserves and described just under 600 miles of trails. This third edition updates the previous two, adding even more detail and history as well as more than a score of new parks and available open space, some not included in the first edition and others, brand new open space. A table of What you can do Where is a quick reference of where you can walk your dog, ride your bike or horse, and find an accessible trail or suitable terrain for cross country skiing. 

The book covers a wide variety of walking, from level, paved pathways to narrow woodland trails. The environments range from salt-water wetlands to rock outcroppings. So for any kind of walking this book is the perfect companion, whether a suburban mom looking for a paved path or a veteran hiker out for a day-long trek. It’s even fun reading on a treadmill. One doesn’t have to walk them all, because the authors already have, several times; just let them be your guide so you can pick the best ones for yourself.  

Ordering Walkable Westchester

Walkable Westchester can be purchased on line at westchester.nynjtc.org or by calling the Trail Conference at 201-512-9348 ext. 811. The price is $29.95.

About the Trail Conference

The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference is a hundred year old volunteer organization dedicated to creating, protecting and promoting the nation's finest network of foot trails in a major metropolitan area. The Trail Conference maintains over 2,000 miles of trails in New York and New Jersey. The Trail Conference is a coalition of 100 clubs and 10,000 individual members. Its website, nynjtc.org, and its hiking books and trail maps offer detailed guides to some of the most remarkable trails in the country.